Saturday, October 12, 2002

Ok this is just sad. Thank you, Okapiprincess. ^_^

Soulsis rocked up today so naturally she got roped in to taking the cubs to the Meccano Exhibition with me.
I wouldn't want to be considered species-ist by suggesting that Meccano is a boy thing, but only 2 of the exhibitors were female, the rest were wives of the exhibitors, or - like me - only there with their sons...
It was quite interesting, I suppose, seeing all the models; some of them were quite inventive. I can appreciate the dedication, and the hours, required in research and hunting down the parts and putting the things together, but I couldn't help but wonder what the point of it all was? Were the builders content with just making scaled copies of actual machinery? Or did they have an idea, and then set about finding out the best way to make it work? And then what? Did they take the models apart and use the bits on something else? (I mean, Meccano is expensive!)
Soulsis and I did have a practical idea for it though... You could get mice, and build them their own theme-park, with all sorts of little rides! And then you could judge which rides were the most popular by the number of your little friends lining up for them... ^~^ We were a little bored, can you tell?
But the cubs enjoyed it and when we got home, one of them made a bee-line for their box of plastic meccano, and put together a 'moon-buggy', so the trip wasn't a wasted effort.

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