Monday, March 21, 2005

(Added bit:)
Gah. I'm glad the cubs are at an age that when they feel sick I can give them a container secure in the knowledge that they'll have the sense to use it. Makes it so much easier to cope with them being ill when I don't have to clean them up and change their clothes and bedlinen every time...

<girly squeal!> I've just seen a 'behind the scenes' snippety thing on Foxtel for 'The Chronicles of Riddick'! Hee. Karl Urban...
And remaining on the fan-girly theme - I saw a couple of 'Pirates of the Caribbean' figures in a games shop today: Captain Barbarossa and Will Turner. Which means there should be a Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth - (oh, bloody hell, what was her name?) figures out there too. Cool! They weren't bad representations, either, they actually looked like the actors which seems to be a rarity in the action-figure market.
I'm tempted, I admit, I know this shop has lay-by...
Nah, best to leave it 'til after Easter at least.

Ahah! Found it - Elizabeth Swann! <g> I'll be able to sleep now...

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