Monday, March 14, 2005

Wee! Look! Up there in the addie field.
Is it a flower? Is it an icecream?
No! It's a puffer-fish icon!
That's so cute - thanks, Joules!
(I really should get on with making that puffer-fish shaped handbag, ne?)

Started watching the first volume of Twelve Kingdoms again. Glad I did cos as usual there were lots of little plot things I picked up the second time round. Plus, the DVD sleeve has a mini-glossary, which is t'riffic cos now I've got some idea of who's what and how they work around each other. <g>
Definitely wouldn't mind having the tech to do screencaps - there's some very pretty images in this series...

Woohoo! Three and a bit pages into chapter 3. I have definite 'scenes' in my head as I write - the fun bit is linking them together, and giving enough information about the worldframe without waffling. I think I'm mostly getting the balance right.

Food food food:
Morning: Banana, the weirdest nectarine I've ever eaten (sweet and juicy but fibrous like the inner bit of a mango) water, cups of tea, and lollies.
Afternoon: Bacon, anchovies, olives, dried tomatoes and chocolate.
Evening: Fresh coffee, noodles and chicken, more olives but no more lollies - all gone...
Ah, yes, before I forget. Links and things!

Okapi posted this in the comments box. Cacked myself laughing! The rest of the site's worth a look, too.
And this link came from Joules' blog. Again, I cacked myself laughing. This also comes from the same (quite interesting) site... Given my love of tat, I giggled a lot. : )

Oh dear, sugar's wearing off, looks like I'll be off to bed soon...
Thanks Onna, Carol and Sue for the e-cards!

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