Tuesday, March 29, 2005

We still had Soulsis' car for today so I drove the cubs to school. Ah, luxury. Got there ridiculously early so we spent half an hour at the playground. The cubs ran around for a while and I played on the swings. Hee. The playground near the school really is an equal opportunity fun-time place. Not only does it have ramps for wheelchair access it's got sensible swings. By 'sensible' I mean it uses wide-ish rubber straps for the seats rather than those hard little plastic monstrosities which can only fit the little bottoms of children, not the huge bottoms of their obese parents.
I love swinging. I love going as high as I can then relaxing and closing my eyes so I lose my sense of where I am in relation to the world. <happy sigh> And I can do it on these swings, even though they creak. So I swing, trusting that they've been stress-tested for a greater weight than mine. : )

For the past little while, writing wise, I've only been concentrating on one thing and it's been great. Focusing my attention in one place rather than the shotgun approach I usually have has let me really build on the worldframe and it's fascinating to see what's developing.
Finished chapter 4, by the way...

Parent-teacher interviews this week. Had one today - the other is tomorrow. M's teacher is very pleased with him, academically. She's a little worried about his social skills but she's making the effort in class to focus on 'friendship building' and 'working together'. She also mentioned more than once his amazing imagination and how enthusiastic he can get over certain subjects. Can't remember exactly what else she said but the cub's father and I got the impression we're raising an A1 geek. <bg> Just like his parents. Something to be proud of.
I suspect the other cub's interview will go along similar lines.

Holidays at the end of the week. As always the cubs and I have been discussing the sort of things we'd like to do. A visit to the Museum and Aquarium, most likely. Perhaps a day at the Adventure Playground in St Kilda. A movie or two, maybe an 'adventure' on a bus - just hopping on one and seeing where it goes. Ooh, we could take a trip out to Willimastown to the maritime museum there. <g>
And of course there's always the opportunity to stay home and sleep in.

Umm...: It's the tail-end of the annual orgy of chocolate, aside from 1/4 of a cantaloupe this evening what do you think I've been munching on all day?
I wonder if there's been any scientific studies into chocolate's ability to suppress appetite? Hmm...

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