Saturday, September 24, 2011

Forecast: 11-17
Attained: 11-16

Yay, me, I made it through to the end of a long(er) work week, despite being ill.

When I got home tonight I changed out of my work clothes, as per usual, and I was just about to bustle out to the kitchen to do something constructive when I couldn't help noticing just how inviting my bed looked. :) Well, no harm in a nap - thought I - there's absolutely nothing I have to do right now...
So I curled up quite happily for a couple of hours. Felt much better when I woke up, though of course, it's now almost 1.30 a.m. and I'm not sleepy yet.

I consider myself on holidays now even though I do have to go in for one day next week. Iz good. :)


[enchanted] I've just watched an episode from Lost Gardens (oooh, the series is on dvd! Excellent, that's going on my list of do wants) and I'm squeeing over the wee little bridge over the moat...
(screendumps from iview:)

Unfortunately, water features - let alone full-blown moats - are not terribly practical in Aus but a bridge over a symbolic representation of water, like flowers, or decorative gravel, could be gorgeous! All I need now is a garden of my own. :)

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