Saturday, September 03, 2011

Forecast: 13-22
Attained: 11-22

Yes! Got the shed organised!

(This is the 'before' photo...)

Shed needs sorting out...

(Photo set on Flickr... Click on pic.)

It took at least 2 hours - I think, I wasn't paying that much attention to the time. Looking at the before/after pics it honestly doesn't look that much different. But I know better.
I got rid of some rubbish and reorganised a bit: the picnic and xmas stuff are now all in the one spot and within reach. Sort of. The xmas stuff is accessible by dismantling part of the chaos corner, but that's better than having to eviscerate the entire shed just to get to those particular boxes! : )
I have 38 tubs of assorted materials/wool/wadding/toy fill, and I'm almost certain there's more material lurking underneath Soulsis' house. I really, really do need to do a proper sort of that lot...


After all that hard work I was too tired to do much else than veg on the couch. The dvd of Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift was nicely brainless.
Not especially engaging, though there were some pretty cars and some amazing driving, and the ending was cute. Oh, and slash. Well, I could see it and in light of that there was a line at the end of the movie ("I didn't know he was in to American muscle...") that had me rolling around laughing. : )

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