Thursday, September 15, 2011

Forecast: 7-19
Attained: 6-16

Cat was looking very pleased with herself last night and by the time I'd worked out she was missing her collar it was too dark to go looking for it. I tracked it down this morning, though, underneath the washing line. It'd snapped but her tag was still there so at least I didn't have to get another one of those.
I bought her a new collar tonight: lime green, with diamantes! And a merry, tinkling bell... which is driving her nuts. I give that a week before it disappears. :)


VortexCub has been growing his hair for a while now. It's down past his shoulders, lovely and thick, but he'd developed a nasty birdnest at the back - a result of not brushing and just bundling it all back with a hair tie. So I sat him down tonight and brushed out the mess for him. He was good, lots of flinching - anyone who's had to get rid of knots knows it hurts - but he sat still and let me finish. It didn't take that long and I advised him to brush his hair morning and night, and use conditioner. That should help...

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