Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Forecast: 10-16
Attained: 10-16

Owowow. Since yesterday I've been experiencing cramps in my ribs, of all places. Really annoying cos unlike leg cramps, which I can walk out, there's no stretching, no particular position that eases the owie. I just have to keep moving, swear a lot, and wait for it to pass. Fortunately they don't happen all that often. Not sure what set them off this time but I probably sat too still in one position for too long and let myself get cold. Tch.


Staff meeting today but with more than half the staff away on leave there was only three of us. I volunteered to take the minutes and then, because the boss was going on leave tomorrow, I akshully managed to get the minutes written up and off to her for checking a couple of hours after the meeting instead of days later, as is usual. Go me. :) I don't like doing the minutes, I always feel I'm floundering and leaving vital stuff out. This time wasn't too bad, however, partly I'm sure because I got on to it straight away rather than procrastinating and avoiding, but also because, with such a small number of participants I wasn't scrambling to note down what everyone said!


Pasta for lunch. Can you spot the dinosaurs?

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