Saturday, October 15, 2011

Forecast: 15-23
Attained: 18-24

So full ov noms...
As a special yay-tax-refund treat, Cubs and I went to the Piggy Place for dinner. Got there later than I'd planned so had to wait a little while for a table. I had the char grilled chicken with mushroom sauce. As always, the meat was perfect, the not-meat portion of the meal less so. :)
([blink] There's an auto-start video on the Piggy Place site. Took me by surprise. Cue hasty back-paging to get away from it!)


Bit of a weird day. Up early to drive cubs' father to the airport, then had to come home the long, boring way via Bell st. cos the regular way around the CBD was a carpark rather than a freeway. Seriously, there was traffic backed up and stationary at least two kliks! And yes, Bell st. was as congested as it's always been but at least the traffic was moving. Took two hours to get home rather than the thirty minutes if we'd been able to go via the tollway and tunnels.
Was very tired by the time we got home so I went and had a nap. Intended only an hour or so - I'd set my alarm and everything - but ended up sleeping for four hours. Guess I must've needed the rest. And that's why the cubs and I ended up getting there late to the Piggy Place.


A while ago I quite intensely watched seasons 1-6 of CSI:Vegas (thanks, Joules, for the rec, btw). Really got in to it, chasing down the dvds as quickly - and cheaply! - as possible. I think I burnt myself out on it cos by the end of S6 I wasn't that motivated to get S7. The dark subject matter didn't help either: there's only so much gruesome death one can witness before it stops being entertaining, I guess.
I still kept an eye out for cheap copies of the subsequent seasons, however, cos I do really like the characters, got somewhat emotionally attached to a few and I want to know what happens to them. :) Yay for sales, I say. I picked up S7 & 8 for less than half price! Will probably take my time watching them this time...


Language has always been fluid but I think with the 'net that fluidity is accelerated. F'rinstance, 'spam', it's those stupid, often innappropriate and always unsolicited emails that clog up your inbox, or used to before the advent of spam-filters, right? Spamming was a bad thing, inflicted on nameless others. To have been spammed was aggravating. However, Cubs have been using the phrase 'pic spamming' to describe the act of uploading a bunch (ie: many) pics to their deviant art account. At first I was a bit surprised at the new slant and made a point of explaining the origin of the word to the cubs and why it made me twitch, but then I thought, does it really matter? I'm watching the meanings of words and phrases changing online, due to memes and such, from day to day. Why am I intent on hanging on to this particular word/meaning? Is it a generational thing...?

There is a point to the above, cos I'm doing some pic spamming of my own now. :)
(I was going to say 'photo bombing' but that means something else to my original understanding of it, as well.)

And after that little spiel there was only one photo I wanted to upload. Odd, I was under the impression I had a backlog! Boy, is my face red... :)

This pic of avocados and an egg isn't here cos of it's amusing similarity to a comic face, no, it's there to demonstrate the itty-bitty size of the frozen avocados I got from the supermarket.
I've been seeing packets of these for a few months now, and generally ignored them cos they're stupidly expensive, but this time they were on special, $2 down from $6+ for four halves. Plus I was cashed up - always dangerous for impulse buys - and thought 'why not?'. They could be handy to have in the freezer, for lunches and snacks, but when I took a sachet out and saw the tiny things I was appalled. Supermarket seriously wanted people to pay $6+ for these? Also, they're from Mexico - which, if I'd bothered reading the packaging before buying they would've gone straight back in to the freezer.

So yes, kudos to the enterprising sort finding a way of using fruit which is probably too small to sell as is, but I won't be buying these again, on special or not.


More from Cosmo Jarvis (Gay Pirates).
Interesting young man, quite subversive.
This clip has a thing or two to say...

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