Saturday, October 22, 2011

Forecast: 16-19
Attained: 15-16

Not sure what was going on in the rest of my dream last night but the bit I remember had me saying 'oooh!' to the idea of using 1cm square squares of patterned paper to make collages and mosaics. I thought that could be an excellent use for all those advertising postcards I'd been collecting over the years... :)


I found myself staring at a guy on the train today. He had a small mouth, a small receeding chin and bulbous cheeks. I almost laughed when I worked out what he reminded me of.

That was almost as amusing as when, several years ago, the stick-thin girl with the disproportionately large head and huge eyes reminded me of a Blythe doll.

Hideous things. (Image nicked from Wikipedia.)


So, yes, I did go to my first professional convention today, but I'm knackered so will talk about it later. :)

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