Thursday, October 06, 2011

Forecast: 13-20
Attained: 15-20

I really don't understand how daylight savings works. How come, when we put the hour forward, it's darker in the morning and lighter in the evening? Shouldn't that be the other way 'round? I'z confused...


Spring, an' stuff!
Outside of work today: suddenly, purple flowers!

I love this Aus native plant. (Not sure what it is: olearia phlogopappa, perhaps? Not quite a brachycome?) We used to have one on the patio of a previous rental place. Fabulous spill of purple for months at a time.

And spotted in the carpark this morning.
These unprepossessing flowers of the port wine magnolia have the loveliest, sweetest scent that releases in the late afternoon. I was definitely looking forward to sticking my nose in there after work! Mmmm...

(Hee, Blogger is telling me I've used 8mg of the 1gb space allocated to me for pics. [snerk] Not trying hard enough, clearly...)

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