Sunday, March 12, 2006

Happy birthday to me,
it reached 38 degrees...

(Hey, it scans!)
Yes it was hot today, though not unexpectedly. It's usually hot (if not stupidly hot) around my birthday.
So, last night the cubs and their father presented me with a cream cake - mmmm... - and a pair of very cute cards the cubs had made. ("This mech was going to wish you happy birthday - but the pilot had to eject!" <giggling> And, "Hope your birthday's a ... <cliché bomb explodes> Blast!" <g> What can I say? They spend a lot of time playing Spy vs. Spy and Mech Assault...) Where was I? Ah yes.
Anyway, that was lovely, and today Soulsis kidnapped me (and the cubs) and took us 'round to Niki's. Lots of good conversation and evil food. Soulsis gave me a pair of chicken salt and pepper shakers (incidentally, a pair I'd looked at on eBay and really liked but decided not to bid cos I already had a few things outstanding) and then she plunked a packet of marzipan down in front of me and said I had to imagine it was a Ham-ham! <rolling around laughing> She didn't quite get time to make it... Funnily enough, Niki also handed me a packet of marzipan. <g> I like marzipan, oh yes I do. She also gave me a packet of Jelly Bellys, a lovely card and a purple tin! Oh, almost forgot the fishy glass dessert dish from Soulsis as well... : )
Best of all though was I got to nap uniterrupted in air-conditioned comfort. <eg> I suppose it's indicative of, I dunno, something, that I get more enjoyment from an afternoon snooze on my birthday than a wild party. But then, I never really was a party girl, so there you go.
Thank you, Soulsis and Niki! <huggle>

(Ah good, the cool change has come through. Should be able to sleep well enough tonight...)

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