Monday, March 20, 2006

Soulsis was out on one of her supa sekrit excursions today, and it being the holidays, I looked after her boys. Well, I say 'I looked after them' but that's not strictly true. I looked in on them and the cubs occasionally, put food down in front of them a few times, but for the most part they didn't need much looking after at all. 4 boys can share an Xbox quite happily for several hours...

I finished Ritual of Proof - didn't take long. Okay, I've read worse drivels, but I've also read much, much better sci-fi. I think this was proposing to be some sort of amalgam but it's essentially a Regency Romance. It was set on another planet, true, and the gender stereotypes were reversed but it still had all the characteristics of a bodice ripper including the 'Top Slice' of society; dashing about the countryside in dramatic storms; and the gently-reared children (boys in this case) of well-connected families being sought and fought over.
It was... all right. The plot was as contrived and thread-bare as I'd expected and there was some mystical shit later on that made me roll my eyes, but it wasn't as self-harm inducing as other drivels I've had the misfortune to delve into.
I don't know that I'd recommend it but if you like that sort of thing... <shrug>

The SFSG rewrite is hardly powering along but it's getting done. I have to keep reading backwards and forwards to confirm details, which ultimately isn't a bad thing - it's quite an interesting story, if I say so myself. : )

An interesting meme that Joules nicked from somewhere:

What was I doing ten years ago?

Freaking out that omigod I'm a mother, and, and I've got to look after these little humans and god-on-a-stick they need so much more effort than a cat...! (<g> I'm perfectly serious - I didn't take to motherhood like a duck to water, no, it was more like a duck to liquid bitumen.)

What was I doing one year ago?

Much the same as I'm doing now: writing, ignoring the housework, marveling at how much my children have grown, grumbling about my living conditions but not actually making much effort to move.

Five snacks I couldn't live without.
Tea. Tea is a food group all on it's own.
Cheese. I can go for months without chocolate but deprive me of cheese for any length of time and I get nasty.
Sugar. Hi, my name is Lutra and I'm a sugar-addict...
Chocolate Swiss roll. A special treat, really, but sometimes I've just got to have some. It's Bodie's fault.
Sushi. Oh yes, I could happily snack on sushi until I make myself sick. Haven't managed to do that yet but everyone's got to have a dream.

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen. (and a tip from Soulsis: this is a brilliant song to focus on if you've got something else cycling over and over in your head cos it's got a definite beginning, middle and end.)
Singing in the Rain - (tappity tappity tappity splash!).
Go with the Flow - Queens of the Stoneage.
Wonderwall - Oasis.
King Henry - Steeleye Span. This is a wonderfully lusty song to sing at the top of your voice when you've a few ciders under your belt. It's even better if there's twenty of you.

Five things I'd do if I was a millionaire.
Just a millionaire? Not a multi-millionaire? In which case I'd buy a house for the cubs and I, and furnish it; get a house for my mum if she wanted; ditto soulsis; give money to sundry charities and friends while having enough left over to guarantee an income for a couple of years and go on a t'riffic holiday to the UK.

Five things I like doing.
Writing. Eating. Sleeping. Reading. Thinking about writing.

Interesting, ne?

And finally, some fanfic snerking.
"... lathed a nipple into hardness..."
<blink> Bwahahahahahahah! Ouchies! I've seen lathes, I know what they can do...

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