Friday, March 10, 2006

Last day of term. Woohoo. I'm knackered... Spent the morning tearing around paying bills and picking up groceries; dived home long enough to unload then tore out again to get down to the school in time for the end of term assembly.
<sigh> The principal suggested the preppies sing their song again and while everyone else smiled, in my mind I was shouting 'Noooooo!' Yes, I was a prep parent once, I can remember that swell of pride at seeing your sprog up on stage for the first time but by year 5 you're over it. Or perhaps I was just having a cynical day... : ) But, I got through the second rendition of Oscar Organised without screaming. Amazing how pleasantly distracting thoughts of Snupin can be. Heh, and people probly thought that goofy grin was cos the preps were cute.

Penny gave me 3 sets of plastic grapes! And a box of gorgeous beaded fake fruit and berries. <g> The raspberries glisten: they look delicious.
I bought myself another present, too, a big tin of assorted licorice. Mmmm. I'm hiding that from the cubs. So mean.

My local fabric shop is having a sale; I picked up some wonderful black and white linen material for my (proposed) Snape plush. Actually I got 2 pieces of black, one of which is slightly heavier and coarser than the other and will be great for the outer robes. There's more than enough white, too, for Balian's 'good' shirt. <g> So satisfying having projects to look forward too.

I'm running away to my mum's for a few days next week. The cubs are looking forward to that cos they'll be having boys' time with their dad. Just them, and the Xbox. <rolls eyes> As long as they get outside at least once a day and eat the fresh fruit I'll leave for them I shouldn't be returning to a house full of gaming-zombies...

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