Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Forecast: 8-13
Attained: 9-14

Cubs and I trotted off to Scienceworks today. Lotsa fun : ) We visited the Explore-a-saurus exhibit, tagged along with the Pumping station tour and went to the Planetarium to watch a short piece about Pluto (which the cubs had seen before but I hadn't. Not that I really saw it this time either. Lying back, in the dark... couldn't keep my eyes open... until... [nudge from cub] "Mum! You're snoring...! Eheh, oops. Felt quite refreshed afterwards though.]
There'll be pictures of our adventures later - probably tomorrow - once I've got them sorted.


Today was also the first anniversary of Mum's ultimately fatal stroke. The ten weeks between that and her death were some of the hardest of my life. (Except for the following ten weeks, they were the hardest, too...)
You know, I'm still terribly ambivalent about euphemisms for death. "I'm so sorry to hear about your mother's passing." What? Oh yes, she died, she's dead now. Is it a way of softening the event? Cos it really doesn't work. [shrug] Anyway...

This is probably my favourite picture of Mum, taken a few years ago at a lotus garden close to where she lived. I like this one because she's relaxed and happy, probably because she wasn't aware she was being photographed. Yay, go stealth-ninja-photographer, me! :)

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