One of my favourite shows tonight had a Swiss 'oompah' band playing a version of
Sweet's Ballroom Blitz. It actually worked quite well. :)
"Are you ready, Sven?"
"Uh huh!"
"Oh, ja...!"[giggling] Ah, I love that song. It always reminds me of dancing, and ouzo...
As part of Badger and Rocket's birthday extravaganza (egad, they're 12! My babies!) their father and I took them to see the new
Transformers movie. I never much liked any of the cartoon series but this,
this I could shamelessly fangirl. It was the
best action movie I've seen in ages, with just the right blend of humour and pathos and
'OMG!No!!1!' moments. The cgi wasn't flawless but it was damn good and convincing for the most part, and - yay! - inertia works! Watching
Prime tearing up the road cos he'd transformed from vehicle to 'bot while moving at speed. Yes!
I'm not going to start on about
Bumblebee's various Camaro forms cos I'll just embarrass myself, but I have to say...
Sweet, maaaaate.
The human characters were well-defined with some kickarse women - always good to see in what looks like it's going to be a testosterone flick. And teenage boys, when it comes to girls, can be endearingly stupid. :)
We'll be seeing this again at least once more at the cinemas, then we'll be hovering, waiting for the dvd and all the juicy special features. Mwahahah.
7 more sleeps 'til OotP!
... and the tantalising merchandise starts to appear in the shops...