Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Heh, well so far I've managed to keep up with the daily posting on Pervy Werewolf, but I'm finding it tricky to write smut every day just because. Don't have a problem with PWPs but this is different, it's an ongoing story with plot an' everything, and there's a part of me insisting that the smex must be relevant! [hand to forehead] : ) Eh, there's a reason these things are called challenges.

The other morning, as I stuck my nose in the cubs' room to wake them, Rocket, without lifting his head from the pillow, waved his hand at me in a mystical arc and intoned: "You don't want to take us to school"
I laughed. "Much as I would love to say I 'don't want to take you to school,'" I replied. "Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on me..." [grin]
Ah, my kids, such wags.

Really interesting dream last night. Or the tale end of one, rather. It felt like I was back in Queensland - same sunshine, same colours of the sea. I was walking down some stairs into the lower level of a house that had been done up as a restaurant. I could see the ocean from where I was, and as I descended I spotted some whales rolling over in the surf! That was very cool. But wait, there's more...
I watched the ocean swell up and flood the lower level of the house. As is the nature of dreams, there was nothing unusual about this. It wasn't an anticipated event, and sure it messed things up a bit, but you managed. Someone I was with was already down there playing in the water. I saw she had something perched on her shoulder. She did tell me what it was - jellyfish or something, but nothing I recognise from r/l - and while in the dream I knew it was quite a venomous critter, she was treating it with gentleness and respect and it was safe. (I think she released it into the water and it was carried back out when the wave receeded.) Anyway, I went down and waited for the next wave and it was scary fun, knowing that the whole event was kind of dangerous - what with unknown things being tossed about in the water, or the risk of being swept out to sea - but looking forward to the rush of water.
Unfortunately the wave had only just started when I was woken up. [pout]

Hee. Nicked from Joules', who nicked it from somewhere else:

Which God or Goddess are you like?
Your Result: Budha

You are Budha. You are a very peaceful person, you love all who love you. You are a cheerful personality, and you have a great sense of humor. Congratulations!! You are Budha!!

Goddess Bast

The Christian God


God Zeus

Goddess Sekhemet

You are your own God or Goddess


Which God or Goddess are you like?
Make Your Own Quiz

(Are the red bars showing up? They weren't in preview. Eh, let's post and see what happens...)

[Edit: nope, not working. But trawling through the code the results were - in descending order:
Goddess Bast: 60%
Christian God: 60%
Jesus: 50%
God Zeus: 50%
Goddess Sekhmet: 42%
Your own God or Goddess: 38%
Satan: 20%]

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