Thursday, October 20, 2011

Forecast: 20-30
Attained: 20-28

Boss asked me to put together an excel spreadsheet for the stats from the door counter at the main campus library. Took a few hours but I did it. It's got sums an' divisions an' everything! Hah!
You'll have to forgive my gloating triumph but spreadsheeting is not something that comes naturally: I have think logically about displaying number information, not a strength of mine. :)


Triple J's current affair program, Hack, has been down in Tasmania this week. Listening to the program has prompted me to remember how much I like the Apple Isle. I've visited a few times over the years, and the cubs' father and I felt so comfortable there we'd contemplated moving. I'm thinking about it again.
Not that long ago I wouldn't have really considered moving interstate but with Mum's shuffling off this mortal coil I suddenly realised I'd been thinking that way primarily because I didn't want to move too far away from her. That's not a barrier now, and the cubs will be 18 in a couple of years and able to fend for themselves. Plus, I work in a mobile industry, there's jobs popping up all the time all over the place.
So, let's see what happens. I have a little time to get my life organised enough for a move bigger than just to the other end of a suburb.


From the 'quote of the day' calendar at work. I'm not sure this is entirely accurate:

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