Thanks for whipping Blogger's time thingy into line, Joules <g> .
Got 'round to watching Troy today. It was better than I expected I have to admit. Of course, a pretty-pretty Orli didn't hurt (though there wasn't nearly enough pretty-pretty naked Orli… Does he wax, I wonder? … where was I? Ah yes…) Achilles was an arrogant git and Pitt-pony was perfect for the role. Loved some of the sets, too – I want the King's tent next time I go camping! – and I thought the costumes were triffic. And guess what, this is the first movie I've seen of Sean Bean's where he hasn't died horribly. : )
One itsy-bitsy niggle however. True, my knowledge of Ancient Greek history/myth is sketchy at best and true I might have missed something as my attention wasn't rivetted on the movie the whole time but surely the siege of Troy didn't go for just 15 days?
Right, what'll I tackle first this year? The next bit of 'Elga' is ready to go, might get on with that, though there's something from my lurid role-playing past bubbling up from the muck. Could do something with that. Hm...
You know, with the cubs not being at school I've completely lost track of what day it is. Could've sworn it was tuesday...
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