Yesterday, when I got back from Queensland, there was a parcel from Joules waiting for me amongst all the chaos! It contained not only a copy of her Dream Decoder book but the The Mummy DVD; loads of chocolate [including a lemon mousse bar! Yum!]; a CD of her and GoodTwin's holiday pics (ottersottersotters! trainstrainstrains!) plus a slidey-pen style keyring from Stonehenge! Squee! My first bit of Henge-tat!
But wait there's more...
There were also a couple of particularly gross keyrings for the cubs [which they loved, thanks! :) ] and - ottersottersotters - bookmark, postcard, pin and card from the New Forest Otter, Owl and Wildlife Park! Eeee!
And last but not least there were also a couple of more offcuts of gorgeous green material and a postcard featuring a photo portrait of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. That photo there on Wiki, in fact... (Now what would Lutra - a noted luddite and anti-19th Century, er, person - be wanting with a photo of one of the era's most noted industrialists? In short, I'm not actually sure, but despite my antipathy to the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the bourgeoisie I've always been captivated by that pic. It's a stellar example of photo portraiture, very evocative.)
Thank you, Joules! That was a lovely pile of treasure to come home to!
So how was my holiday? It was great, thanks! Queensland (or rather, Noosa, the bit where I was) is beautiful but I wouldn't want to be there over Summer. In the fortnight I was there the temperature ranged from 24-29 degrees during the day, and between 16-18 at night. Not so bad but the humidity was a little uncomfortable. Nothing incapacitating - especially as we were down on the coast with the sea breezes - but I really don't like sweating for no good reason. :)
Did a lot of stuff...
Visited the ginger factory at Yandina. (Won't give you the url cos it involves disturbingly cheery music.) Took a train ride around the plantation plus went for a couple of spins on a 'tunnel of love' sort of ride where the boaty thing trundled around past animatronic dioramas of different countries. Very entertaining. No, really.
We travelled further North for a few days to Hervey Bay and Fraser Island, the 'world's third largest sand island'. Beautiful, beautiful spot. World heritage listed area, the interior only accesible by 4 wheel drives. No roads as such but Mad Mouse sand tracks that threw you about in a most jolly (read: bone jarring) manner. We only drove maybe 80 kms on the island but when you're travelling at an average of 15 km an hour while gathering bruises, it feels so much longer. Wonderful beaches, however. Endless skies. <happy sigh> I want to go back.
On our second last day Mum and I visited Underwater World in Mooloolaba. Lovely little place, not as big as Melbourne's aquarium but it has seals! And otters! Loved it. :)
As you might have expected, I've brought back a lot of tat, and, hm, I appear to be collecting pelican postcards. <eyebrow>
Photos... I took a lot of photos. Must be close to 1000. I'll put selected highlights up on flickr over the next couple of weeks. Wouldn't want to bombard anyone with the slideshow of DOOM. <g>
Anyway, had a great time but it's (mostly) good to be home. Missed my cubs, and my cat. Time to get back to work.
[Edit: D'oh, so excited about my new treasures I forgot to mention just how good Joules' new book looks! Not only in the 'this looks like a great read' sense but the layout, the graphics. All very cool!]
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