Saturday, March 31, 2012

Forecast: 20-29
Attained: 20-19

Ye gods! Petrol is currently at $1.59 a litre! That makes the $1.41 the other day almost a bargain. [grump]


Was reading a rather sad news piece online the other day...

But one of the attached adverts made me laugh.

Targetted advertising. [snerk] Always appropriate.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Forecast: 17-28
Attained: 14-28

I was at the work campus with the pond yesterday. :)
The baby fish are noticeably bigger. I've only managed to count 6 of them, but I think there's more.
It was lovely sitting out there at lunchtime. The sparrows were bathing at the edge of the pool, while the swallows swooped and flitted about after the insects. [happy sigh]

While I was eating lunch, one of the sparrows came and perched on the edge of the chair next to me and inquired about crumbs. I told him he could have some when I was done. And then I smiled cos that's the sort of conversation mum would've had with him.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Forecast: 14-26
Attained: 12-26

Happy birthday, Mum!


Got pummelled awake by the horrible, raucous secondary alarm this morning. The primary alarm was on, I'd just managed to sleep through about five prompts.


I think it's adorable, and a bit slashy, that Captain Blue calls Captain Scarlet 'Paul' in moments of stress. :)


Less than a fortnight 'til I'm away up North and the fretful 'zomg, what if...!' thoughts have begun. Perfectly normal - I've been worrying myself like this from the moment I was old enough to realise that shit can happen. :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Forecast: 14-24
Attained: 14-23

Parent-teacher interviews this evening. All in all they went quite well. Teachers are happy - even enthusiastic in some cases - about the cubs progress. There's a couple of small homework concerns but nothing like the universal grrrness of previous years. Just goes to show what a leap in maturity, and actually liking the subjects you're studying, can do for you. :)

And after the interviews was the now traditional trip to the icecream shop! Yayy! I had a sundae with a scoop of choc/caramel and cookies and cream. Mmmm. I'm only really in it for the hot fudge chocolate topping, though...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Forecast: 12-22
Attained: 13-20

Well, the preying mantis turned up dead yesterday, and I watched the spider sneak out of the corner this morning...


Cubs have a day off school tomorrow but as usual I shall be shouting 'good morning' through their doors as I leave for work really early. Mwhahaha
(7 working days and I get a holiday!)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Forecast: 10-21
Attained: 10-20

Kojak was in my dream last night. He even said 'Who loves ya, baby...'
I woke up bemused.


Two of the major supermarket chains here routinely have a 4c a litre discount voucher for petrol if you spend $30 or more. I look forward to the few times a year when that goes up to 8c. As expected it's come in for Easter but this time it's only 8c a litre if you spend more than $50! [grump] Cheapskates.

And speaking of cheapskates, the 'frequent flyer' program I'm signed up with has a fabulous offer for 2 points (double the regular amount) per doller spent at the supermarket... if you spend more than $150 in one transaction.
[splutter] Even if I bought all the months groceries in one go it still wouldn't add up to that amount. [scowl] I'm ready to point the finger at the cynical promotion of rampant consumerism, I am.
Forecast: 11-20
Attained: 13-18

I have discovered the secret to excellent home-made pickled beetroot (which is what I had for dinner tonight. Just that. It was nom). Soak the cooked beetroot in a diluted apple cider vinegar. Mmmm... No extra salt, no extra sugar.


Yesterday I txted the cubs to remind them they needed to do some washing. Here's what happened:

Me: Washing!
Cubs: Aaargh! Where?!
Me: Behind you!
Cubs: Nooooo! *om nom'd*
Me: My babiiiie!

This is actually a fairly normal type of conversation hereabouts...


Mouse murderer.

Not that that's a bad thing, per se, I just don't like having to clean up the carnage. Especially not first thing in the morning.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Forecast: 12-18
Attained: 12-18

Well, the spider's scrunched back up in the corner and the praying mantis has gone, so I'm not quite sure what's going on...


Aaaand the cat's been bringing in mice to play with. [sigh] Really don't want the house smelling like mouse pee.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Forecast: 13-17
Attained: 13-17

Not sure if you can see what's going on here...

What we have is an insect/arachnoid standoff.

That's the big spidey that's been lurking about the house, making me nervous. It disappeared from the lounge room and turned up in the kitchen - that's the very top of the kitchen cupboards it's crouching on.

Anyway, arachnid of doom had squished itself up in to the corner there for the past day or so: this morning, as I was getting ready for work, it tried to move. Problem was it's surrounded by daddy longlegs who have no hesitation in tackling something that size that strays in to their webs. Spidey was sidling this way and that, trying not to attract attention, but couldn't seem to get out of the corner. I almost felt sorry for it. Almost.

Came home this evening to see that the spider had managed to move a bit, but a preying mantis had joined the fun. Now... spider can't move cos both p.m. and will pounce. P.m. can't move cos will pounce. can't move cos the p.m. will pounce. I'll be interested to see what the situation is tomorrow morning...


My preeeciouuus...

This is season 1 of Original Star Trek (tacky Trek) in the special release container from several years back. Seasons 2 & 3 were in blue and red containers. Awesome! Alas, I couldn't afford them when they were released, and had to resort to standing in the shops, stroking the boxes and crooning...

Ebay! For about a sixth of the original price! Bit pleased about that. :) Seasons 2&3 were up for auction from the same seller as well, but I was well and truly outbid on those. Eh well. I have season 1, and now I can subject introduce the cubs to a classic bit of sci-fi.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Forecast: 11-21
Attained: 12-20

Yay, got through my first day back at work!
Finally dragged myself to finish the minutes from the staff meeting. They only needed a few, very slight changes. Pleased. :)


I realised this morning - as I was making my way through my muesli - that I only really enjoy breakfast if it's later in the day and involves bacon.


Chicken adobo was delicious. It smelt very vinegary to begin with but the vinegar cooked out and we were left with a lovely, tart and sweet sauce. Even the cubs liked it! Plus, there's some of the sauce left over: that's going to make an awesome gravy tomorrow for my chips. Mmmm...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Forecast: 17-21
Attained: 12-20 (temperature lurked uncomfortably around the mid 20's all night before dropping to 12 at midday. And then there was rain, yay!)

2000th post! (Not too bad given I didn't post at all for almost 2 years... Should probly do something about the comments, though. They haven't worked properly for weeks. Suspect I've lost the ones already posted.)


Definitely feeling better. Once I can sleep through the night I'm on the mend. Back to work tomorrow.


Marinade base for chicken adobo. Smells divine.

There's a squillion versions of this Filipino dish but I'm trying out the recipe I recently nicked from the foodie section of a local 'paper. It has apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, fresh ginger, onion, garlic, bay leaves and brown sugar. I've left out the chillis and peppercorns.
That's dinner tomorrow night. :)

Forecast: 17-28
Attained: 17-27

Feeling better, I think. By this evening I wanted to do more than just lie on the couch feeling sorry for myself. :)


Odd dream last night. But I can't remember the details now. Annoying...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Forecast: 13-27
Attained: 13-28

Ok, so I'm having a couple of extra days off work this week. I've got a doctors certificate and everything. Feel a little twinge of guilt about not going in, but I seriously need to rest or the lurgy will get even worser!


Finally got 'round to watching Billy Elliot. It was as gorgeous and soppy-making as expected - loved it. (And my goodness, [should there be a spoiler warning here?] grown-up Billy (Adam Cooper)... phwooaar! I do so... admire ballet boys... :)


This is fantastic!
Blurb from the yootubes page:
Australian band Skipping Girl Vinegar sent a hobo monkey (Baker) to the edge of space, in a low rent spaceship made from foam and gaffa tape. On the morning of Sat 27th Nov 2011, attached to a giant weather balloon, Baker and the onboard camera soared to 110,000 feet (4 times higher than Mt Everest) capturing the rolling image that is now part of this new film clip. Reaching speeds of over 200kmh and experiencing temperatures as low as -50 degrees Baker carried an Mp3 player beaming out the new SGV single 'Chase the Sun' and messages to the Universe from the people of Earth.

Enjoy... :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Forecast: 14-23
Attained: 14-23

Considerably miffed.
I was s'posed to go and see my favourite movie this afternoon, at my favourite independent cinema, with some of my favourite people. Unfortunately, the 'mild' lurgy got worse overnight and I couldn't go. [grump]
I did however have a good afternoon with the cubs, watching Real Steel and eating comfort food. (Thanks for the rec, Joules. As luck would have it, one of the cubs' friends had a copy, which he borrowed for me after reading your post. Being that it's about robots an' all, I had an interesting reaction to it... :)


Oh gods! [gasping] Just found this on
Read the post all the way through, and then the comments.


Wesley Crusher, Teenage Fuck Machine

... can't breathe! Laughing and coughing not a good mix!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Forecast: 13-22
Attained: 13-21

I made a thing!

And I was able to make the thing cos I knew where - and was able to reach - all the bits that I needed. (The green cloth is some calico - organic, if I remember correctly - that I dyed years ago and recently unearthed. Heh, akshully that calico was part of the 100m or so I bought to use at my wedding. Wow, I felt so wealthy, being in possession of so much cloth. :)
The actual sewing took 2 evenings. All hand done cos that was the least effort compared to clearing the sewing desk/setting up the sewing machine.
Path of least resistance, me.


[snuffle] I has a mild lurgy, so for the moment it's all mint tea and honey when what I really want is lollies. But, I still have a sense of smell and that's good.


[edit: Cubs have just come home from spending a day at their dad's. They saw me on the 'puter, in basically the same position I was when they left this morning, and asked: 'Have you been there all day?!'. Irony. That's usually what I'm asking them! :) ]
Forecast: 20-24
Attained: 18-23

Well, that was a week of procrastination - aside from the birthday stuff.
Wonder if I'll get anything done this weekend?


Fascinating site.
Dictionary of medical eponyms.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Forecast: 22-29
Attained: 21-27

There was a fight in a house just around the corner from us early this morning, leading to a serious assault. End of last year there was a murder several streets away.
Can't say I live in a boring suburb...


D'aww... eww!

The 6 deadliest animals too adorable to run away from...

[warning for language and ick]

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Forecast: 18-31
Attained: 18-32

Happy Birthday, Penny!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Forecast: 13-30
Attained: 14-30

Well, after all the happy fun tiems yesterday I don't really haven't anything else to say today. Hm...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Forecast: 13-24
Attained: 16-24

Facebook is telling me it's my birthday today so, Happy Birthday Me! :)

Had a really good day. Penny and I took a drive to the Patchwork Teahouse in Warburton, where we ate tasty noms...

(Mmmm... Chicken and Mushroom quiche...)
And then went for a stroll along the Yarra...

Penny bought me a present! A pattern for the most adorable needle keeper evah.

The motto stitched on to the underside of the front leaf says: 'Oh to be a dragonfly and dance amongst the lillies...'. I won't be using that. Mine will more likely say something like: 'Daleks. They're like weevils.', or 'Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!' [snicker]

The cubs had a huge box of chocs waiting for me when I got home this afternoon (they weren't awake when I left this morning. It being a public holiday an' all) and eventually, a card they'd drawn. D'aww...
Was too full to consider dinner but the cubs' father turned up a bit later in the evening with chocolate cake so ate that instead. :)
Was all good...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, y'all!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Forecast: 12-22
Attained: 13-21

I'm a little bit twitchy. We've had another fecking huge spider in the loungeroom the past couple of days, but I can't see it now. The last time a fecking huge spider disappeared from view it ended up on me and I squealed like a girl...

(Yesterday the Vortex!Cub very kindly nudged this most recent fecking huge spider away from the computer to the other side of the room. I told him he couldn't leave home now cos I needed him to deal with the spiders. Adorably, he wasn't overly impressed. This is a far cry from when he and his brother informed me, when they were much, much younger, that they were going to stay with me forever and ever! :)


[giggling] Love this show.

Hmph. Finally out on DVD but not avaiable in Aus.

Forecast: 15-21
Attained: 16-22

Akshully, flicking through my dvds today... there won't be that many I'll be getting rid of...


Cubs tonight were amazed that I could talk authoritatively about an interest of theirs that I don't have much to do with. Understanding dawned when I told them I did actually listen when they spoke. :)


Ah, the Nutbush. Timeless. :)

Friday, March 09, 2012

Forecast: 15-22

I'm down to do the minutes for the April staff meeting but as I'll be away I offered to do them this time.
Once again I didn't take adequate notes. 'Oh, I'll remember that!' I airily thought to myself...
The hell I will! Once again I'll be relying on work colleagues to fill in the gaps where I neglected to write shit down. >:( Hopeless, really.


Aifink it's time to do a cull of the dvds. True, a good many of them are out of their plastic cases and in pockets instead, but still, there's about 400 individual titles.
So. Watching the ones I haven't seen yet: I started tonight with Miami Vice, the 2006 remake. Not dreadful, but not good, either. That one can go. I quite like Colin Farrel, however, he does a very good wounded lover. :)

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Forecast: 14-23
Attained: 15-21

I thought that a pineapple salsa would be a good thing to have with my pork chops tonight. I had to hand pineapple, zucchini, spring onions and red capsicum. The mix was ok but unfortunately the pineapple was insipid, not sweet and juicy as I'd envisioned. There's some left: perhaps it will be better after it's sat for a day.


[snorfle!] This turned up in the work email yesterday.
Seem legit!

From: Rt Hon David Cameron MP []
Sent: Tuesday, 6 March 2012 11:36 PM
Subject: Your ref:...Date: 06/03/2012


Our ref: ATM/13470/IDR
Your ref:...Date: 06/03/2012


I am The Rt Hon David Cameron MP,Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury
and Minister for the Civil Service British Government. This letter is to
officially inform you that (ATM Card Number 5454 7168 0041 0640) has been
accredited with your favor. Your Personal Identification Number is 1090.The
VISA Card Value is £4,000,000.00(Four Million, Great British Pounds Sterling).

This office will send to you an Visa Card/ATM CARD that you will use to
withdraw your funds in any ATM MACHINE CENTER or Visa card outlet in the world
with a maximum of £5000 GBP daily.Further more,You will be required to
re-confirm the following information to enable;The Rt Hon William Hague MP
First Secretary of State for British Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. begin
in processing of your ATM Card.

(1)Full names: (2)Address: (3)Country: (4)Nationality: (5)Phone #: (6)Age:
(7)Occupation: (8) Post Codes

Rt Hon William Hague MP.
First Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Tel: +447 (0) 744 813 4476

TAKE NOTICE: That you are warned to stop further communications with any other
person(s) or office(s) different from the staff of the State for Foreign and
Commonwealth Affairs to avoid hitches in receiving your payment.


Rt Hon David Cameron MP
Prime Minister

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Forecast: 13-23
Attained: 14-22

At the coldest point of the night last night, KittenKong decided she wanted to sleep on me. As this was just before I had to get up it wasn't very satisfactory for either of us. She couldn't settle and I missed those last few precious minutes of sleep because my cat was kneading along my ribs...


I opened a plastic box of carefully packed old clothes that I'd been saving for... something, and decided I really wasn't going to use them after all. :) I'm sure there'll be a rag collection soonish.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Forecast: 15-21
Attained: 16-22

I was actually a little bit chilly at work today, and wishing I'd brought my shawl. That hasn't happened in a long time.
Mind you, it won't do to get too comfortable with the lower temps just yet... I'm sure there's a few more stupid hot days to be got through before we're back in the reliably cool weather.

(And it must almost be time for a haddock change. It's been still dark in the mornings when I'm getting up for work...)


[giggling] So funny... :) // Media » Ventriloquist Paul Zerdin

Monday, March 05, 2012

Forecast: 16-22
Attained: 16-22

Ok, so, the crafty cupboard in my room isn't neat but it is organised.
I've also sorted the buttons into 'buttony' and 'novelty', and cut down on the amount of empty containers lurking about. (The box of spares will go out to the shed cos I know I'll eventually need them...)

Sewing desk is the next thing on the list to be sorted out. It will have to be, if I ever want to use the sewing machines!


This time two years ago we had a storm with hailstones big enough to smash the kitchen window. That was exciting...

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Forecast: 16-26
Attained: 17-27

An excellent day today, spending the afternoon with people I haven't seen for ages, complete with mini pizzas and chocolate! Mmmm... And fingers crossed it looks as if another Islandkateer outing is in the works!

Alarice was wearing a gorgeous flying fox pendant. I've browsed the site and gone 'Ooooh...' a lot. :)


KittenKong is happier with the cooler weather and greater opportunities to cuddle...

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Forecast: 16-21
Attained: 15-18

At last the jumble of ribbony things has been neatly sorted. I now have ribbons, cords, trims/lace and thonging. :)
I also sorted through the big bag of assorted bed linen and towels. Got rid of some while other bits were relegated to visitors' sets. I'm down to 3 complete sets of my own, rather nice sheet sets plus a couple of flannel pieces for winter.


D'aww, adorable cat is adorable!

([grump] Ok, fine, looks like the camera on my 'phone's not completely right in the processor any more. That, or it and blogger aren't on speaking terms. Landscape oriented pics from my 'phone display correctly on the 'puter, but when they're uploaded to my blog they'll only display in portrait. Doesn't matter where they're uploaded from either. Annoying...)

Friday, March 02, 2012

Forecast: 16-22
Attained: 15-23

This is the note Badger!Cub left on his slice of cake this morning... and my response (in black).

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Forecast: 17-22
Attained: 16-21

Sooo, Melbourne's still wet...


I got a little extra in my pay this week, which is nice but I'm usually suspicious of such things in case I have to pay it back. I figured it might be back pay for the annual pay rise I was sposed to - but didn't - get at the beginning of the year.
It was. (15c extra an hour! Party!)


Captain Scarlet & Captain Jack Harkness

Both brunet with blue eyes.
Both part of organisations that deal with aliens.
Both won't stay dead.

Just an observation. :)

(I could also say something about the cleft chins, the uniforms, unsubtle vehicles and the not-deadness due to alien intervention.
Points of difference: Harness will shag anything that moves, Scarlet doesn't seem much interested at all. Captain Blue, however, that's another story. And I know Colonel White finds plenty of excuses for Lt. Green to be under his console.)