Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last term break I only managed to tick one thing on my 'to do' list. These hols we're not even a week in and I've already ticked off three and a half things! Go me. : )


Cubs and I went to the Melbourne Aquarium today. (Eeee! Jellyfish! Eeee! Cuddlefish!) [happy sigh] Such a relaxing place, and a good opportunity to get to know my new (phone)camera. Nifty wee thing.
I didn't get a photo of this unfortunately, but during the feeding time in the big tank one of the divers had a manta ray nomming on her head! Was very funny.


A couple of days ago the cubs and I went to see Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Again. All CGI, the background and detailing were superb but I found the characters at times moved like middling quality video games. A little distracting but not overly so, acceptable as they weren't aiming for realism.
The eyes though, were luminous. Beautifully done.


Sooo, last episode of current season Dr Who next week. Last week's episode was... interesting.
Do I need to warn for spoilers?
Anyway, Captain Jack's [le sigh] freak-out made me blink, as did Sarah-Jane's reaction (and since when has she had a son? Have I missed something?) though thinking about it later I wondered if those - to me - overreactions were a way of communicating to the jaded audience (us) that OMG! THERE'S SOME SERIOUS DOO-DOO GOING DOWN!!!1!
Meh, whatever. I've really enjoyed all these recent seasons of DW but the last eps are always a bit dodgy, a fault which has carried over to Torchwood's first season at least.
Ah yes, Torchwood. [purrr] I indulged myself horribly and forked out for the Season 1 box set. Really good to watch it again from the beginning, catching all those little nuances and clues. Finally got 'round to watching the few eps I'd missed when it screened here (cos the buggering TV station changed the broadcast time, without warning, from a reasonable 9.30 pm to midnight - on a different day! It was a few weeks before I discovered that, no, the show hadn't been dropped, just hidden. [grump]) and disturbing my children by squeeing over the rare, too rare, Jack/Ianto bits.
And now I want more! I'm not sure if Season 2 even screened anywhere here but the box set is coming out in [counting on fingers] 9 sleeps. Not that I'm counting the hours or anything, heavens no, that'd just be sad. : )


Aaaand the cubs and I are off to see Wall E again tomorrow. Very glad I bought a discount book of children's movie tickets - that saves us $4 a ticket...