Sunday, September 25, 2011

Forecast: 7-20
Attained: 9-19

Finally got 'round to doing my tax today. Was able to do it online, which was t'riffic for a few reasons one of which was that my income details had already been given to the tax office by my employer/s so I didn't need to input those. The less I have to do myself, the less chance of mistakes. Second, if there's any discrepancies, or a section overlooked, the program prompts you to check. A good thing for my peace of mind, as with the paper version I'm never quite certain I've filled in everything properly.
Oddly though, the initial assessment that occured sometime during the process was telling me I owed money - enough to bite - but the final assessment said I was due a refund. Tch. Well, I've submitted it, let's see what happens.


Ah, good, the Tutankhamun Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum is on until early December. I might ear mark some of my supposed tax return so the cubs and I can go and see it.


Nothing odd about the juxtapositioning of these products on the supermarket shelf...

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