Monday, September 26, 2011

Forecast: 9-22
Attained: 7-21

Oh, teh dramaz...!
Last friday the cubs had to stay back after school to do some catch-up homework. I didn't know anything about this until their teacher rang to confirm. All fine and dandy. Yesterday, Sunday, cubs inform me they have to take their overdue classwork in to school by midday and please could they have a lift? Again, fine and dandy, but this morning while I was shopping their irate teacher called me around 10 to say she'd been expecting them at 9 and they now had 15 minutes to get to school. [sigh] (This is the term hols, remember.)
Zoomed home, growled at the cubs - who fortunately were awake and mostly dressed - then zoomed them out to the school. They were there for an hour, finishing stuff off, while I napped in the car...
They still need to go in to school again tomorrow morning to hand in the stuff they finished at home today but they're on their own with that cos I'm working.

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