Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Forecast: 9-21
Attained: 10-20

I am so tired of decent food. I want chips, with salt, and a fatty steak, with salt, and mushrooms and garlic fried in real butter, with salt. It'd probly make me sick but I can dream... :)


I've worked an extra day this week - yay, cash! - but now it feels like tomorrow's Friday instead of Thursday.
Only two more days then I'm on hols! Sort of. I'll be doing an extra day again on Tuesday but the rest of the week is mine, all mine! Mwahahah...!


Wow, Nirvana's Nevermind was released twenty years ago today. Fantastic album: one of my favourites. I'd heard it on an independant radio station down here and was really impressed. Impressed enough to not only go out and buy the album but pay full price for it. [solemn nod] Yes, I thought it was that good...

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