Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I've got some potatoes at the moment that are no good for boiling - they break apart - but they make the best roast taters. : ) Crunchy on the outside, fluffy on the inside. <licks lips> Bet they'd make decent baked potatoes, as well. Hm, maybe tomorrow night...

Ah, I keep forgetting to post these links to a couple of interesting blog/lj thingies:
Diamond Geezer's entry on the 4th April about the decline of British television is very funny (today's is a bit of a giggle as well), and Erestor's entry on the 3rd of April is a thoughtful, rather soothing little piece about death... not to mention her ongoing links to pictures of 'nekkid/textile-free french rugby players'. Hee.

<sigh> The cubs' father has written a book, a <shudder> Romance novel to be precise and I've agreed to edit for him. Fortunately there's no issues with his spelling, grammar or punctuation but... I don't like Romances.
Why did I agree? Cos I'm egotistical enough to believe that with my input there's a better chance it'll sell, which would be good I have to admit.
But... I don't like Romances...
What I've read so far seems to be no more or less contrived or lame than any published Romance I've read (when you're desperate enough, you'll read anything) so that'd have to be points in his favour and to be honest, I've read much, much worse.

Soulsis lent me her DVD copy of 'Final Fantasy' a week or so ago and at last I got round to watching it.
Yes, I can acknowledge the technical mastery of the CGI but no matter how realistic the main chara's hair is (and it is, though interestingly no one else in the movie has anything close. It's all short-back-and-sides, or missing, or slicked-down for every one else!) it's no substitute for a half-arsed plot.
I don't know the FF games at all but was this movie taken from one of the game plots? It seems to suffer from the same problems a 20 part series has when it's cut down to a 90 minute film. Interesting premise overall but the treatment of it was slap-dash, requiring great bouts of suspension of disbelief without adequate explanations to back those up.
But that's not what really bothered me. On some levels I could appreciate how life-like the characters were, their body movements were convincing enough most of the time and a lot of thought had obviously been put into skin, hair etc but for all that the characters were terribly wooden. There was very little movement in their faces which unfortunately lead to minimal expressions. For instance, when the main 'villain' realises he's stuffed up, his voice (James Wood) is full of anguish and disbelief but his face displays not much more than mild annoyance.
Quibbles aside I'm glad I saw it, and will probly happily watch it again when the cubs aren't being distracting...

Heh, the little Haadri birthday-smut Joules wrote for me has filled out to a five-part mini epic. : ) Not that I'm complaining, oh not at all. Lots of lovely lemon...

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