Thursday, January 05, 2012

Forecast: 12-23
Attained: 15-21

Snapped awake at 5.30 this morning then couldn't get back to sleep so decided to get up about 6. Cleared the washing up and de-decorated the xmas tree before deciding I needed a nap at 8am.
Had meant to get up again around 9.30 but ongoing problems with my 'phone means the alarm doesn't work. Or rather it works, but only once, despite being set for snooze, and I never hear the first alarm. That's going to make going back to work interesting. May need to get another small alarm clock for my bedside. (Really, really, really don't want to have to get another 'phone just yet.) I still have the secondary, jarring alarm across the room but if I can roll out of bed before that goes off it's a much better start to the day. :)

Anyway, while I was asleep I had an interesting dream. Me and some friends - the Islandkateer group plus others - went on a trip. A ferry would take us out to the middle of the bay, then we'd all take our turn to perform some small piece to the group. Everyone had brought food so there would be noms, and laughs, and then places to sleep. (A bunch of single-beds jammed in to a room. I'd claimed my berth with a hot pink coverlet.)
Was a fine time, enhanced by a surprise appearance of John Barrowman - arriving bum-first through an overhead hatch - and being a bit lewd and very entertaining. (It's ok, I know where that bit of the dream came from. I'd watched a clip from one of JB's shows last night so no surprise there!)
All the same, I knew that the middle of the bay wasn't the best place for the ferry, especially not with the storm clouds gathering in the distance...


Cubs and I, and their dad, went to see Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows this evening. Started off a little bored, admittedly, but the story started getting exciting about halfway through and I was loving it by the end.
I must once more reaffirm my allegiance to John M.F. Watson...

(Pic nicked from somewhere online then cropped.)

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