Sunday, January 15, 2012

Forecast: 13-24
Attained: 15-22

Right! Bathroom, laundry & toilet are finished: everything else is half-to-almost finished. :) I've cheated a bit: the stuff I couldn't put away has been stuffed back in to boxes and stacked neatly. Still, there's less of that this time so I am pleased.

However. Gods above, I loathe grouted tiles in bathrooms. [grumple] So stupid fiddly to clean. At least in this place they're reasonably big tiles, instead of the manky little ones at the old place that meant even more grouting to scrub. If I'm ever in a position where I can chose the sort of wall/floor stuff for my bathroom, it will not be tiles...


This time(ish) last year...

Cubs helping me move a wardrobe in to the house.
Well, when I say 'helping me', I mean I told them where to put it. :)

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