Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Oops. Been a while...

Heh, well, the SFSG rewrite's ground to a halt cos I'm having too much fun with a Snupin at the moment. I'll get back to it soonish though...

Today was one of those days when I'm very glad I don't drive. There'd been an accident in the city in the morning which closed the nearby freeway. Consequently all the roads that fed into that freeway - including the one my bus tootles along - were stupidly slow. Fortunately the cubs and I managed to get the early bus this morning, but even that was 15 mins late. We still got to school before the bell rang so it wasn't too bad, I suppose.
I was almost late picking the cubs up this afternoon cos the traffic was still chaotic and the bus had to take a looong detour to avoid standing still for half an hour. Fortunately this sort of thing doesn't happen very often.

Some of the phishing mails are quite funny.
This one came yesterday:
Due to last days hack attacks to our database we decided to review
our customers account information to prevent security problems . If you could take 3-5 minutes out of your online experience to verify your account status , you will not run into any further problems .
<snigger> My online experience?
And today's phish had this at the top, well before the 'official' content:
Â? a week after she brought those oogy sundaes? boyish bowl "He said.

The riding mower was a small tractor-like vehicle meant for keeping larger-than-average lawns neat and clipped. Just remember, a little pain and it will be over. I hope she will be tried again on one of the other counts. His dreams were confused and unpleasant. What's that? It was summer vacation, his father working, his mother gone to spend the day in Boston with Mrs Kaspbrak from across the street. If I start out on the bike at first light, I might even be able to make it back before noon. countenance
Riiight. Are they even trying?

We've been having some lovely Autumn mornings recently. Nice and crisp, clear blue sky and no frost yet. I like this time of year.

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