Thursday, May 24, 2012

Forecast: 11-17
Attained: 11-15

And in my dream last night I visited a brothel/massage parlour. Interesting experience but I was looking over the girls (and boys) and wondering, despite the sexy smiles, which of them were there because they didn't have a choice...
Also, at some point I was in a pub/pokies club, watching people gamble. A drunk schoolgirl wandered in and drifted around, wanting me to introduce her to people. She lost interest in me when she wandered off again to go and meet someone at a food court nearby. I followed her for a while, just quietly making sure she was okay.
At the food court she and her friend stopped at a seafood stall and ordered. There were something like scallops/squids being cooked on a grill, but they were still alive, popping and twitching. If that wasn't enough to put me off, there was also a documentary playing of these creatures in the ocean. There was a swarm of them happily feeding, darting about... I couldn't bring myself to eat the cooked one put in front of me. (Weirdly, it was lilac coloured with a pattern of white daisies. Ok, I've got no idea where that came from...!)

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