Sunday, May 06, 2012

Forecast: 9-16
Attained: 10-14

I watched Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers this afternoon. I'd forgotten how good they were, especially FotR. All those sweeping vistas (visit New Zealand!).
I did nod off for a short while in TT, though that may have been down to the couple of spoonfuls of chochazelnut spread I'd eaten.


I've sifted through mum's paperwork, again, having another go at deciding what can go or stay. It's pretty much down to the archivey stuff now, things that can help chart her life. It's a little upsetting though, looking at photos of nameless people and places, knowing there's no one I can ask about them anymore. Some of the people I recognise, and some of the locations, but most of the time there's no date, nothing written on the back of the pics to give me a clue. Are the photos significant? I have no idea...

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