Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Forecast: 12-18
Attained: 12-17

Oh dear, I haz a poor sick cub, coughing and snargling. Lucky the school year's ended.


Sorry to bring this up, Joules... :)

On this page here you can Build a Royal Baby. [titter]



Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...

[choking after building one with Queen's hair, Charlie's eyes and ears, Di's nose and Camilla's mouth] AAARRGGHH!!! There's nothing else happening in the world today. I'm watching old CSIs to get away from it...

Lutra said...

LOL! Thank heavens for Gris and the gang, eh? :)

Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...

Damn right!

Lutra said...

Mmmm... Nick's accent...

Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...
