Saturday, December 15, 2012

Forecast: 18-24°
Attained: 19-22°

One week to go! [happy dance]


Cubs and I took their dad to see Skyfall this evening for his birthday. Enjoyed the movie even more the second time 'round. (There are reasons I did but it's late and I'm tired and marshalling my thoughts beyond the basics like 'ooh, I could do with a cup of tea...', is pushing it. :)


Because damn I love this song...



Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...

Song's good, video is fragging brilliant...

Lutra said...

Oooooh yeah... :)

Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...

My only problem with it is part of it was used in an advert over here and I misheard it. Now when I hear it I have to force myself NOT to hear "One of these things is not like the others"...

Lutra said...