Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Forecast: 16-32°
Attained: 17-32°

On the way to work.

Two cups of coffee? No, one cup of coffee plus a cup of milk for my cereal. Due to rubbish sleep I got up late and didn't have time to eat breakfast at home.

When I got to work I found this:

I knew about the flooding but because I hadn't actually seen it yet I assumed this was just the carpet not drying out over night.
No, apparently, there was another leak. That's new wet on top of the mostly dried old wet.

By the end of the day it was looking much better though, despite there being a problem with the condenser.
See the wet spot at the back by the cluster of chairs? The unit had got blocked and started leaking. Fortunately a new unit was found forthwith.


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