Thursday, February 16, 2006

Yay! Joules has started beta'ing SFSG for me. Not surprisingly she's picked up a lot of inconsistencies, cliches and niggles, but that was expected. I wasn't going back and editing earlier chapters as I sorted out or firmed up some of the more nebulous ideas I had there at the beginning. It's good though, <nods>, very good - going to be a much better, tighter story for her efforts. : )

Hee. Been spending a fair bit of time here, in the Harry Potter Essays community. Some interesting points discussed and argued, with evidence from the books put forward as proof. <g> What it comes down to, I suppose, is that you can read what you want into the story and if you look hard enough you'll find canon to support your theory. Though, given the depth some of these contributors are going to I'm wondering if they're reading too much into the books, perhaps giving the author too much credit. I don't think JKR is a particularly skilled writer; great world-builder, but... I sometimes get the impression she's written herself into corners, or is looking out over gaping plot holes. How do I know? Cos there are times I experience the same wincing cringe I get when I cock-up in my own fics, when I've cobbled something together that should cover the discrepancies... as long as no one leans too heavily on the joins. <g>

Fanfic sniggers: 'Weeping man-meat'
Can't remember where I found that but to be fair, it was a satire. I'd be howling if I found it in a serious fic.

And I found this fabulous HP fan-artist! I've spotted some of Brevisse's work used in lj icons and been intrigued. Anyway, through a link of link I got to her site. It's mostly Snarry and some of it so, so funny! F'rinstance - "Fandom Snape v. Canon Snape" (Multiple panel comics; scroll down) has had me giggling like a lunatic for over a day now. And "Halloween costume" - which, to my shame took me a little time to understand at first - is giggleworthy, too. Oh, and "In Which..." is just lovely; sweet and poignant, straight from canon, sort of. (I really, really need a printer... and a spare bit of wall to stick things up on...)

Ack! Just over 3 weeks and we're at the end of this - very short - term!

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