Monday, April 07, 2003

Heh, had a busy sort of weekend, but enjoyable.
Went to Niki's on saturday with the cubs. Soulsis was there with her chicks, and we herded them all - including Niki's two - off to the park for a couple of hours. It was very unstressed; the children are all old enough now that they don't need constant supervision so we (the mums) were able to sit down and chat while keeping half an eye on them all. The cubs and I stayed for dinner and we got home waaay past their bedtime so it was two very sleepy little boys I poured into bed. : ) (Hee, and I was showered with gifts again - books, purple curtains, chocolates - I really do have the best friends.)
On sunday the cubs and I went swimming then I came home and napped for a couple of hours. Another unstressed day. : )

Niki's mum was getting rid of some books, so naturally I pawed through them.
One of the gems I snaffled was 'The Science and Art of Married Love.' It was written in 1974 by a naturopathic doctor, Paul G. Bragg - Life Extension Specialist.
I don't know where to begin really... I can only read little bits of this book at a sitting cos a lot of the time I end up wanting to through it at the wall. : / The bits he want us to pay attention to are WRITTEN IN CAPITOL LETTERS, just so we understand their importance. One of the basic premises of this... epitome of wisdom.. is that women are more likely to achieve 'satisfaction' by playing their natural role of surrender and submission. I'm not making this up.
There are 41 titles, chapter things in the first 15 pages - some of them are only a paragraph long, and the rest of the 53 pages is made up of hightly pertinent questions that Dr. Paul answers.
Questions such as:
I have been married for 17 years, have 3 children and a fine husband. Sex means nothing to me. If I never had it again I could live contented. How important is sex to me?'s the answer...

Sex is an inescapable part of us. It is there from the moment of birth when we are given our sex identity - boy or girl - and it is with us until the day we die - when it goes on our death certificate. You're not going to be able to skip out on sex, so accept it and look toward the good. For good love-making enriches you emotionally and spiritually, and relaxes muscles, soothes our nervous system, makes you forget your pressures, strains and tensions for awhile, helps attain restful sleep and is one of the few satisfying experiences in this world. Please change your mental attitude towards sex. You want to be a full woman don't you?

.. but there's no pressure being brought to bear, of course, no prodding of guilt that to be unenthausiastic is anything other than unnatural. Humph. The key words there are 'good love-making'...
Not going to read any more, it's just making me cross.

The only other 'information' book that has made me as mad is one I got from the nuns at my catholic primary school, titled 'How to be a real girl.. That little tract of nonsense has almost been burnt a dozen times over the years. I'll have to dig it out and share with you all...

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