Bruce took his time revealing himself to me today, starting with a very strong impression of a wicked grin and tousled, spiky silver hair crackling with static electricity. He looks like a djin, actually, in that his upper half is solid but from the waist down he's a nebulous column of aquamarine/silver sparkles (it's implied he can manifest naughty bits if required). Let's see, what else? Nice muscle definition in his shoulders and arms; gold armbands around his upper arms and a matching torc around his neck; asian-ish face, high cheekbones, almond eyes, irises a vibrant electric blue which stand out nicely against his turquoise skin. Oh, and he has elongated eye-teeth and, I think, cat's pupils. <rolls eyes> Yes, very pretty and I can't wait to discover what his special ability is...
(I've no doubt there's some people in the world who'd consider the above as firm evidence I have a mental disorder. Believing in imaginary creatures? Conversing with them as if they're real?! <smirk> Heh, the things that live in my head are far more entertaining than the majority of 'real' people and hey, I'm a writer I don't live in the 'real' world anyway...)
So yes, I have a new computer - it's still sitting in its box on the coffee table. Unfortunately it's going to be one of those chinese puzzle situations to get it set up. For it to go on the desk I first have to disassemble the other 2 computers, but before I can do that I have to make sure I've got somewhere to put them which in this case means hacking out a path in my room to my desk and making sure there's space there... You see what I mean. It would be nice though if for once everything went smoothly, wouldn't it? Ah well, time will tell.
In my solitary subject at school this term our regular teacher has taken some time off to go teach in Vietnam and the class has had a substitute teacher. She was called away unexpectedly this morning so we had a substitute, substitute teacher who didn't know much about the subject at all but had been instructed by the substitute teacher to tell us to continue ploughing through our work books. This was fine by me, it meant I could go at my own pace and really get to grips with some nit-picky stuff about the structure of catalogue entries I have to know. The past couple of weeks we've been studying the different 'areas' of an entry and the order they come in; this week it was dealing with the specific punctuation that operates within those areas. Let's see if I can remember the basics without looking it up:
Title proper [GMD] : other title / statement of responsibility; subsequent s.o.r. -- edition. -- place of publication : publisher, date of publication. -- extent of item : other physical details ; dimensions + accompanying material. -- series information.<g> There, wasn't that interesting? I think I've got it all correct as well, I'll check later. This subject has a lot of rote-learning in it and from that aspect it makes it easy - you're either wrong or you're right, your marks aren't dependant on how close your answers are to what the teacher thinks they should be. Just for practise I'm going to begin cataloguing my books, something I've wanted to do for years - now all I need is a database program to play with.
ISBN : [terms of availability].
'k, have I finished waffling?
Hn, not quite.
Thank you again, Onna, for your's and rat's giftie, that's really helped things along. And in my last post I should've said it was the 2000th post not my 2000th post cos of course I'm not the only one that posts here. :)
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