... I'm letting the fluggy-bunny have ascendancy at the moment...
The Alliance Chronicles is finished and I'm bawling my eyes out. The last three chapters are coded and posted (the last two are the ones Joules' has had finished for ages... : )
Gods, what can I say? It's been fun, I've loved working with Joules, I've learnt so much... All this and so much more I can't begin to express.
Joules started this monster in January 2001 and I leapt in during January 2002 (giving it a new lease of life, if I correctly recall Joules' words at the time <smirk> ) and now, almost 3 years after that it's finished. (Joules has just pointed out we've produced the equivalent of seven novels in that space of time! Seven! Good gods, see what inspiration will do for you?)
Oh bloody hell, I'm going to start crying again. Tch. Running out of hankies, too, let alone my glasses fogging up...
<waves hand airily UK-ward> It's your turn, Joules, you say something profound to mark the occasion...
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