Sunday, September 26, 2004

I was strangely reluctant to take the Reloaded dvd back to the video hire place last night - but, they’re having an ‘ex-rental’ sale. I asked the clerk if there was a copy of Reloaded available. He found 2 copies of Revolutions but that was all. He did suggest, however, that I come in and ask the boss who would probly be happy to sell me a copy. Hee. :)

I convinced the cubs to try a supermarket brand of one of their favourite sugar-spiked cereals. There is absolutely no chance that I’ll be pinching any of it, it’s foul! Cubs don’t seem to have noticed the difference though. <shakes head> They’re quite happy to eat bowls of the stuff. Bleurgh.

Jesus is coming – look busy.
<snigger> That was tattooed on the buttocks of the fake Archbishop of Canterbury in Johnny English. Ridiculous movie, but that was to be expected – it is farce, and it did make me chuckle.

Hn. Elga is a finite story as well – I could finish that up soon. Then, with that, Dystopia and the AC out of the way I could concentrate on something else, like the Superhero universe, or the fantasy. <g> (Novel? What novel?)

<giggling> This pic is by Joules, inspired by comments attached to the 'My cubs are knackered...' post (Sept 22rd).
Joules (as Twin) and chibi Lutra

<still giggling> Yes, this pretty much sums up our relationship...

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