Wednesday, September 22, 2004

<g> My cubs are knackered. The movie session finished at midnight last night but they insisted on getting up to see Transformers as normal this morning. They were quite impressed with The Astor, though, as an old suburban theatre it’s very different from the mega-plex movie houses they’re familiar with. Both of the movies were subtitled Japanese, something I was a little concerned about. But the cubs coped easily – they can read fast, and accurately, and were able to see the screen through the gaps in the audience so it wasn’t a problem. :)
Some anime, at least, deserves to be seen on a big screen – there’s so much more detail to be seen. Loved ‘Tortoro’, it went beyond cute to levels of imagination I could identify with. And that would have to be the most accurate depiction of a four-year old’s energy and mannerisms I’ve ever seen animated! : )
I had seen ‘Nausicaa’ before, but it was on video close to 15 years ago when I was dismissive of anime so last night was like seeing it for the first time. Again, the detail was amazing, the plots and characters believable… Somehow I don’t think the Garfield movie tomorrow is going to come close.

Found out we can play audio cds through the dvd player. The sound is so much better through the telly than the on-it’s-last-legs cd player. I’m even having geeky thoughts about speakers and surround-sound systems now. Tch, technology is insidious.

<sigh> And the cubs have slipped back into Thomas the Tank Engine. Don’t know why but after weeks (months!) of ignoring it in favour of Transformers suddenly all the videos and toys came out again. Could be worse, I suppose, could be something I actively dislike.

Her! <points finger at Joules> I blame her for this obsession with long legs and snake-skin boots! Wouldn’t be so bad except I can’t quite get my head around a fic idea so I can work it through. <smirk> Mind you, I can’t complain, she is sharing with me her stash of nummy Matrix Twins pics…

Cool word of the day: (no reason just cos) [Concise Oxford; 1975]

Intussusception: (Physiol.) taking in of foreign matter by living organism, & it’s conversion into organic tissue ; taking in (of ideas, etc.) ; … (L. intus within + susceptio … take up.)

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