Friday, October 01, 2004

Fine dining in a romantic atmosphere… <sigh> I’ll experience that one of these days. The cubs and I went to Smorgy’s for dinner last night. I had wanted to go see the Thunderbirds movie after we’d taken Mum to the airport, but turns out it was only showing earlier in the day. Sooo, Smorgy’s it was…

Yay! New episodes of Ultimate Muscle. Finally I get to see the Chojin tournament!
And the only female Transformer has put in an appearance.
The cubs thought she could’ve sounded ‘tougher’…

Haven’t managed to finish this latest Dystopia chapter yet but the cubs are back at school next week, fingers crossed I can stop faffing about and get on with things. Wasted too much time already this year.

Going away for the weekend (sans cubs) with Soulsis and Niki and Alarice and Peter etc. Along the Great Ocean Road down to Warrnambool and CheeseWorld. : )
I’m looking forward to it, have to admit, even if it does mean I’ll be without my computer for - <counting on fingers> - 55(ish) hours.
Hee, I’m taking the necessaries to start my neko hat though, just in case I find myself with a moment to spare.

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