Saturday, July 02, 2005

I had several lovely hours alone today - the cubs' father took them to ScienceWorks and the Planetarium - so I finished watching Drawn Together. <smirk> I really enjoyed it, chortling away to myself. It was less squicky than I thought and very, very clever in places. Xandir was definitely the most sympathetic of the characters, not hindered at all by those thighs and that loin-cloth, though everyone, even Captain Hero, had moments of poignancy. My favourite character however was Ling Ling. Not sure I'd want one of my own, though... : )

Hoorah! Chapter 12, and hence Part 1, is finished! <happy dance> Hee, I have some cider to celebrate. Word count is just a smidge past 63,000! Quite pleased about that. Going to spend a little bit of time now getting my notes in order cos this thing's getting unwieldy enough to need them. Wastes a lot of time having to trawl back trying to find someone's eye colour, let alone trying to remember what I called that insignificant bit of tech mentioned once before in chapter 2... or was it four? <g>

And Joules - with me squeaking excitedly - has been giving more thought to the revised AC. This is a good story and if all goes well we should be able to spend some time exploring plot arcs that were skipped over somewhat in the original. She's currently reworking the Saiya-jin, quite successfully, and we should be able to retain the flavour of them without treading on anyones copyright. Hee, it's fun, we both get a buzz out of this planning/world-building stage of a project. Stay tuned!

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