Friday, July 15, 2005

Keep forgetting to say that the cub's elbow is fine now, thanks for the enquiries. : ) He wore the sling to school the next day though that was more to stop him wrecking his shoulder from trying to hold his arm at a particular angle all the time. The day after that he was practically back to normal, didn't even need any paracetamol.
This was the same cub that got whacked in the face with a rounders bat. <sigh> Wondering what's next...

Yay! Alarice is back in Melbourne! For a few weeks at least. Hopefully we'll be able to catch up soon.

The next Harry Potter book is being released here tomorrow. I plan to stay away from anywhere that has even the hint of a possibility of a bookshop. I'm sure the news tomorrow night will be full of images of children in capes and dodgy plastic glasses clutching (or staggering under the weight, perhaps?) of the next instalment. Then I'll wait for the furore to die down in a week or two then go and get my own copy. Heh, or buy a copy for Soulsis cos she's lent me all of hers. That way I don't have to try and find room for it on my own shelves. A cunning plan, eh?

Can't remember where I found this results of a photoshop contest link. The specifications were to create a chimera, a creature comprising bits from 3 or 4 different animals and to make it as seamless as possible. The idea was to get a realistic, naturalist shot. (... or is that sposed to be naturist? Tch, can't remember which one means frolicking about with your gear off...) Some of the results managed to be disturbing and amusing.

I had planned on going to see Kingdom of Heaven tonight, but it came down to squeeing quietly to myself for almost 3 hours or being able to afford food next week.
Hopefully I'll be able to catch it somewhere else, and anyway I'm sure the DVD will be out soon. Then I'll be able to do lots of freezeframes to pick up those fiddly costuming details. : )

And chapter 14 is finished and I'm past the seventy-thou word count! <happy dance> Given the way this thing is expanding like proving bread I'm not even going to speculate what the final count will be!

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