We've had a few balmy days (or barmy, depending on your views) where it's been humid and warm, and sunny enough to make me think I should drag out the sunscreen and hat, but now it's wet and cold again and likely to stay that way for a few days. I'm not complaining, the longer it takes for Summer to get here the better as far as I'm concerned!
School assembly is usually held first thing on Monday mornings and I make a point of attending cos there's always the chance that one of my cubs will get a 'Student of the Week' award, and then there's the likelihood I'll hear something vital about something the cubs have neglected to hand over a note about. Heh.
Assemblies normally take place on the quadrangle of grass inbetween the classrooms but when it's wet they happen in the multi-purpose room. Even if it's only a short assembly they always take longer when held inside. First, we have to squeeze everyone in there - that takes time, what with the territorial disputes over bottom space and not wanting to sit on the lino cos it's cold - and then because the students are sitting down, they're required to stand up for the National Anthem and sometimes that has to be done a couple of times because the talking, which isn't that noticeable outside, makes a huge racket in a small room and the principal objects. <sigh>
House points are awarded during assembly as well and this term it looks like Abbotsford (green), the cubs' house, will win. I was musing on house names and colours on the way home. The houses at the cubs' school are named after the streets bordering the school. My primary school only had colours (I was in green), while my high school had colours and the names of inspirational Australian women. I was in Bates, which was green, then there was Chisholm which was blue, Kenny - red, and I can never remember white's name. I do remember our school song though.
Come join with us your voices raised,... yeah, I always thought it was dicky, too.
As of our school we sing her praise.
We'll cherish her dear name always,
We'll cherish her name always.
Our colours silver, blue and green,
Will always thrill us when they're seen.
Silver stands for friendship firm,
For friendship firm.
Green represents our pride in work,
And our intention not to shirk.
While blue reminds us of our loyal-ty,
Loyalty, love and devotion, to
The Pascoe Vale Girls' High School!
Chapter 20 is finished, finally and surprise, surprise I've got 21 mapped out before I start. Over 100k words now, too! :)
And finally, nicked from Talon's lj:
you are a half-fairy, a cute lovable creature who
likes to dance.
which half-breed are you???????
brought to you by Quizilla
Awww, so cute - (well, it would be if the link to the pic worked) - but why all the ???'s in the quiz name?
[Edit: Joules is very kindly hosting the quiz pic on her site so it can be seen regardless of what Quizilla is doing. Thanks! <hugs>]
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