Dagnabbit, I don't like sweating for no good reason other than it's hot. Don't mind sweating due to exertion but when all you're doing is breathing... <sigh> Ah well, it's Summer, can't expect much else.
My xmas was nice and quiet up at Mum's. Restful, after a fashion cos aside from a quick trip to a local park with the cubs on Boxing day I didn't do anything, go anywhere or spend any money. The cubs had fun with their cousins on xmas day and there was enough food to nibble on all day so there were no 'I'm hungry...' wibbles. <g> Traffic was heavier than expected on the way there, though, almost peak-hour levels. We left my place a bit later than anticipated and so caught all the people-driving-to-their-xmas-lunch-traffic. Eh well. Mum and I have made an executive decision that next xmas we're going out for dinner - probably to the bistro at Healesville Sanctuary. Be nice not to have to cook or wash up for a change. : )
Mum gave me a set of cutlery with bamboo shaped handles, very cool, and wrapped in the most gorgeous linen teatowel covered in bright butterflies. Far too pretty to use as a teatowel - that'll be going on my wall. (I wonder what happened to the horsey teatowels I had in my bedroom at my parent's? Did I give them away? Can't remember...)
Unsurprisingly, the telly programming was pointless over the festivities so we watched a lot of DVDs. <pout> Though I forgot to bring my KoH. But I did finally get to see I Robot.
See? See? Asimov understood the danger!
Though... it wasn't that enthralling a movie, or as disturbing as I thought it might have been given how thingy I am about robots. (That's probly cos I knew they weren't real, while the latest Honda Robots featured on the news a few days ago - these ones were playing instruments - made me hiss. As for the kendo-bots... <growling>)
Also watched One Hour Photo which was a much more rewarding film, one of those that I find myself thinking about hours afterwards. In this case it was understanding, in hindsight, why the main character did/didn't do things. Fascinating, disturbing - Robin Williams is an underrated actor...
And saw another RW movie - The Birdcage. That was amusing. : ) I've never seen the original and I'd like to, knowing how American adaptations of French movies can suffer in translation.
I like going to visit my Mum - she cooks. <g> For dinner tonight the cubs devoured the quiche she made yesterday, and I've just polished off a big bowl of fragrant kedgeree.
Well I think smoked cod is fragrant - the cubs don't.
Couple of odd dreams recently. One was kind of scary - the school [?] I was associated with had problems with monsters. The end-of-year party finished prematurely with an announcement that there were still 2 nasty things roaming around the buildings. I was going to leave but I had to go back in, knowing full well that I was going to meet up with the horrors.
<giggling> One of which was 'Aragorn's Hat'. I was creeping about the darkened, deserted place, heading for wherever I was headed: I knew I'd come across the hat (dun dun DUN) when I saw a demented kitten slavering across the floor. I plucked the scrap of fur off of its head and it snarled at me - the fur, not the kitten - and I knew I couldn't let it touch me cos I'd end up being possessed. Instead, I stuck it on the other monster (who turned out to be a huge young, male - I'm not even going to begin to speculate about that). I did feel a little bit guilty about it but I knew it would distract him long enough for me to get away...
Oh, and at the 'party' I asked if I could have a piece of the delicious-looking sponge cake. I was refused, as I knew I would - I hadn't actually been invited and had no right to anything there - but it was suggested that if I'd like to make something to contribute to the gathering then I could have some cake...
The other dream was very detailed as well. I stopped at a touristy-village place on the way to somewhere wild along a coast and discovered that a friend of mine had entered a design-a-perfume contest in my name. She'd given my suggestions to the company - lavender and lilac were part of the components - and I'd received a prize of some sort. As well as two fridge magnets and touristy placemats, there was a very nice brass bookmark which my friend snagged as 'payment'. I also got a sample bottle of 'my' perfume. Completely overriding the sweetness was an acrid, overpowering chemical smell, so strong it was impossible to open the bottle in an enclosed space for fear of being overwhelmed. Very odd.
And I haven't mentioned the violent man with a very big knife who slashed at me, cutting my jeans open across my buttocks but not breaking the skin. Not sure what that was about, either.
Hah, but after my nap (falling comatose from the heat) this afternoon, I now have a premise for the next bit of the LM/SS thing.
I do so love my subconscious.
But first - chapter 33 of SFSG.
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