... there's really not a lot of intelligence in a piggle's eyes, is there?
Having said that it's kind of scary the way my piggle treats her food. She'll sink her teeth into the piece of lettuce and drag it to the back of the cage. It's not a great distance, admittedly, but it's the sense she's dragging her prey into her lair to be devoured that's disturbing. Perhaps she was a carnivore in her last life? Perhaps she remembers what it was like to rend flesh? That would explain her general air of psychosis...
Heh, these past couple of days I've managed to do without aspirin as preventative analgesia so I can walk. This is a good thing. There might actually be some health benefits in this exercise nonsense. : )
I'm fed up with not being able to always get online when I want to. I use the net at specific times for a reason and I can get very shirty if I have to wait. So I'm getting broadband. Installation slated for the end of the month. My account for my computer. So there.
Mmmmm.... pink stuff... Such is its power that all woes are as midges in its presence. Happy now...
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