Tried something different for dinner tonight (for myself, the cubs had omelets) - a vegetables/left-over rice bake thingy. Layered rice, sliced tomatoes, zucchini, and garlic with a cheesy sauce then wacked the lot in a slowish oven for, oh, ages. Wasn't too bad though it could've done with more and sloppier sauce, and perhaps some herbs or something mixed in with the rice. And maybe a splash of white wine, too. I'll remember that for next time.
Sat down with the cubs this afternoon to watch the live-action Thunderbirds movie on telly. Aside from Parker, Lady Penelope, a gloriously understated The Hood (Ben Kingsley) and some nifty vehicle SPFX, this movie was just silly. I wasn't sure what the director (Jonathon Frakes) was trying to do with it. Kids' movie? Teen movie? Comedy? Action? It ended up a banal hodge-podge of all of those things with no real depth, but more disappointingly this was another movie that used Blurs' extremely cool 'Song 2' (the 'woo-hoo' song) in the promos but not in the movie itself. False advertising, I say. <pout>
But the cubs enjoyed it, laughing themselves silly at the goofy sound effects in the fight scenes. Heh, each to their own.
I did have a few hours to myself yesterday. I nipped up to the op-shop where I found this for only $2. I'm always happy to add to my collection of history books.
When I got home I took the opportunity to catch up on some definitely non-cub-friendly anime. I knew nothing about Technolyze before I bought the first volume but it caught my eye cos I like the 'Dark Future' genre. This was very dark, very graphic, very stylish. There was no dialogue in the first episode until ten minutes in and the prologues of the nascent stories were told in jagged snippets of intermingled action. If I hadn't read the blurb on the cover I might have had trouble working out what was happening!
Actually, no I wouldn't... I'm familiar enough with the genre to have been able to piece it together without too much trouble. : )
The animation is interesting, gritty, almost sepia in sections but realistic which is my preferred style. The stories have started slowly, which isn't such a bad thing. Instead of being confused with a bombardment of characters and plot the slow unfolding means I have a reasonable grasp of the politics of the worldframe, a solid base to build on. I'll pick up the second volume when I can afford it.
And lastly, I don't much like techno but the opening theme is brilliant! I'll be downloading that as soon as I can find it. <g>
Joules is right - I have to be more disciplined if I want to be a real writer. I'm too easily distracted, too easily discouraged. So, I have to make myself write something of SFSG every day, even if it's only a paragraph, even if I don't feel like writing anything, and despite distractions. <nods> I can do this.
Did you get home safely, Alarice? Was the puppy pleased to see you? <g>
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