Saturday, July 14, 2012

Forecast: 10-14
Attained: 9-15

We're getting closer to the implementation of the new LMS (library management system). The first training day is next week! And for the first time evah* in the history of our amalgamated campuses, only the main one will be open - and staffed by just one person - so the rest of us can do the training. There'll be five of these days in all. I'll have to miss one, cos I'm already booked in for something else that day. It's all go, now!

(*Akshully, not sure if that's true. We have a limited service between xmas/NYE, but I can't remember precisely if it's only the primary campus that's open...)


Was experimenting with the photocopier at work today, printing out a document in 'booklet' style. The result was very cute; it reminded me of how I used to make my own books, scrolls etc when I was little. Asked my workmate, J, if she did anything similar and she confessed rather sheepishly to making library-style pockets and return date slips for her books, which I thought was adorable! Yes, she's a librarian now. Who'd have thought it, eh? :)


For various reasons I haven't written any fiction for a very long time. (When I'm down on myself I call it 'laziness', though it isn't, not really.) However, despite not writing anything my writer's brain is constantly churning out stuff, threads of plots and snippets of scenes that waft up to tickle my consciousness, be dwelled on and expanded then filed away again until they're ripe.
Happily today a few of those threads bumped in to each other and I had an 'ahah! moment. Actually, it was more of a stop-dead-in-the-office-squeak-a-bit-and-say-'OMG, yes, of course!' Fortunately perhaps I was there on my own.

Part of the problem with not writing was that there was so much back log from when I was writing, and I couldn't make a decision. Do I go back to the fan fic, old or new? Should I be writing something original to publish? There was plenty there milling about to choose from but nothing really grabbed my attention, until now.
I should've known something was afoot when I recently started actively noticing and collecting odd words and typos. In the past it was from a similar list that I picked out non-standard names, placenames etc.

So yes, I have a definte base to work from now. It will be original fantasy, aimed at young adults. I've read a lot of YA stuff over the years and there's a lot of leeway given for more adult content than children's books. It won't be too dramatic a change from what I've written before, just toned down somewhat. :)

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