Sunday, July 15, 2012

Forecast: 7-15
Attained: 7-15

This made me snerk today.

Fandom wank wiki: Het
WARNING: The following entry contains subject matter which many may find to be disgusting and perverse

Het is a bizarre underground subgenre of fanfic written by fetishists who can only become aroused by portraying characters engaged in heterosexual intercourse. It is estimated that at least .03% of fan fiction is het. Het is, for all intents and purposes, the opposite of slash.

It's not for no reason some fanpeeps have a 'My Fandom Warns For Het' icon.


The system went down at work on Friday. And by 'the system' I mean 'The System'. No 'phones, email or 'net access. We couldn't even open files on the 'puters! Scary. Fortunately it only lasted ten minutes, but it was a very long ten minutes...

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