Thursday, July 26, 2012

Forecast: 9-14
Attained: 9-13

I went to the dentist today. This is significant in that it's been twelve years since my last visit. In that time my teeth have been slowly chipping and crumbling but what sent me scurrying off for treatment this time was that it's started happening to my front teeth. Not such a problem when your back teeth are getting snaggled: completely different when it's your front teeth. So vanity, yes. :)

Anyway, this dentist had been recommended by the cubs' father and as a new patient I was expecting to have to wait weeks for an appointment but I was able to be seen within a couple of days.
The drilling part is still extremely unpleasant but the new 'flash-setting' amalgam is pretty amazing. No having to wait a few hours for it to set before eating.

It was pricey though, which is the main reason I've not been to see a dentist in so long. I don't have private health cover, and dental is not covered by the government provided Medicare.
I digress.
Was a little over $200 for the examination and filling. I'll need a further 3 or 4 fillings/reconstructions, and 3 extracts. I figure I'll be up for about $1500 to get everything sorted. Wince making, but manageable spread over a year or so.
Wot fun, eh?


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